
2009.6.23-26 THE 24th NAITO CONFERENCE ON Nuclear Dynamics and RNA[II](シャトレーゼ ガトーキングダム サッポロ)
「Heterochromatic RNAPII positively assists the interaction between RITS and nascent ncRNA《(ポスター)
○Takuya Kajitani1,2, Atsushi Shimada1,3, Katsunori Tanaka4, Danesh Moazed5, Yota Murakami1
(1 Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto Univ. 2 Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto Univ. 3 Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto Univ. 4 School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin Univ. 5 Harverd Medical School)